ROMANIA-CANADA STRATEGIC COOPERATION INSTITUTE is a non-profit, independent, non-affiliated and non-politic organisation. Its main objective is the development of the economic, cultural and educational interconnections and business exchanges between Romania and Canada.

ROMANIA-CANADA STRATEGIC COOPERATION INSTITUTE promotes services and programs as essential resources for its members, the governmental representatives, the CEOs and directors of chambers of commerce and encourages the growth of the commercial, cultural and educational exchanges, the sharing of the technological expertise and the investments between Romania and Canada.


The professional team of the INSTITUTE constitutes the key-resource to achieve our objectives, to implement our programs while respecting the fundamental values of our organisation: professionalism, teamwork and transparency. We diligently put forward the norms of equity, diversity, inclusion and equality of chances for an inclusive and representative society.

All our members individual expertise in a wide range of competency domains, both in Romania and in Canada-Québec, guaranty a great diversity of analyses perspectives and consolidates the decision-making process.
Together, we are the force that offers a structural interconnectivity on three major cooperation areas – economy, culture and education – between Romania and Canada/Québec.


Fondatrice, Présidente – Directrice générale

Lizabel’s educational curriculum is the result of the symbiosis of two complementary schools of thought: European and North-American. She completed the coursework of a Master degree in English literature (Université de Montréal), detains a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature (Universitatea din Bucuresti), a College Diploma in philology and universal history (National College “Ion Creanga” – Bucuresti) and a National Teaching Brevet (Québec, Canada).
Lizabel has more than 30 year-teaching career and a parallel more than 20 years sustained involvement in Québec and Canadian politics. Her knowledge of political, socio-economical and cultural issues during the immigration process and the everyday realities in cultural communities in Québec propelled her in the political arena. As political advisor in the immigration cabinet, she was in charge of the Immigration-Québec department.
Her openness and humanist values brought her to actively work and defend social, linguistic, cultural and environment causes both in Québec and Romania.

Among her past and present achievements: founder of the Mouvement Lanaudière pour le français, founder and CEO of The Romanian-Canadian Association for the Protection of Danube Delta, founder and CEO of LCN Communication Media Inc., founder and CEO of a networking company which promoted the Romanian community professionals in Québec, editor-in-chief of the on-line magazine Carpathia.
Lizabel militates for the advancement and recognition of women in business and arts – she is member of the comity Affaires au Feminin – Chamber of Commerce and Industries des Moulins and donor-member in Cercle Forces Femmes in Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.
At international level, Lizabel is actively involved and takes a dynamic leadership to install and develop cultural and economic relationships between Québec/Canada and Romania. In 2018, she was appointed honorary counselor in Canada to the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.
Since 2019, Lizabel has invested herself with passion and energy in the creation of the INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC COOPERATION ROMANIA-CANADA, which main objective is to initiate, develop and support the economic, cultural and educational exchanges and relationships, between Romania and Canada.


Secretary General

Master Degree in Business Law (Université de Montréal- Law Department), Bachelor in Law, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca – Romania, Bar School and member of Quebec Bar since 2008, she has a professional career in Québec. Fluent in Romanian, French and English


Bilateral Operations Coordinator

Bachelor Degree in International Trade from Concordia University – Montreal. He specializes in analysis and start-up of special projects in logistics. He is CEO of a company that develops CO2 capture management and recycling. He is renowned for project management skills and a good understanding of Canadian business environment. Fluent in Romanian, French and English