Areas of cooperation


INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC COOPERATION ROMANIA-CANADA acts as a platform that initiates, facilitates and coordinates the contact between the companies and the governmental institutions in Romania and Canada.

INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC COOPERATION ROMANIA-CANADA works as the referral source and as an economical partner at the same time. It initiates and coordinates a business diplomacy foundational structure in order to develop a long-term, lucrative economic relationship between the two countries.

Romania, a European, bicameral parliamentary republic, member of NATO (2004) and European Union (2007), signatory of the United-States – Romania Strategic Partnership Treaty and member of the Francophonie. With a highly qualified workforce, Romania has a dynamic economy situated at the crossroads of three great economic markets: European Union, the Commonwealth of the Independent States and the Middle-Est.


Throughout our PROGRAMS, we facilitate the presentation of business initiatives, business best practice exchanges, the B2B first contact and signature of tentative agreements. We contribute to bring-in specific expertise by inviting experts on discussion panels, forums, conferences and seminaries. Our PROGRAMS are interactive forums between Romanian and Canadian businesspersons accompanied by legislators of the business environment from both countries.


We benefit for the professional input of our expert counsellors who have a vast experience, and a recognized expertise in their specific domain of activity. Some of our counsellors are experts in international cooperation between the UE state-members, Canada and Québec.


The ASSIGNEMENT-BUSINESS PROGRAM highlights cooperation initiatives and exchanges of the best business practice and facilitates through the consulting-services on the implantation on new premises, the investment, the outsourcing of production, the sharing of the highly qualified workforce and managing the business and import-export growth between Romania and Canada. It is mostly a B2B opportunity.


EXPERTS-DIRECT PROGRAM aims to organise round-table meeting/debates between experts in a specific field that will facilitate the attractions of investors and the investments in bilateral projects and concluded with the signature of a tentative agreement.


CERCLE CORPORATE PROGRAM defines – according to different areas of expertise – preparatory meetings with (para)-governmental representatives, CEOs of large institutions, presidents of Chambers of Commerce, directors of industrial clusters, bank managers, academic and business experts specialized in government policies on international business rules and regulations and foreign trade opportunities in order to initiate bilateral commercial and cultural missions.


Culture in all its forms and shapes is an extraordinary ambassador that helps discovering and promoting artistic treasures of each country. The fact that the two countries are members of International Organization La Francophonie enhances the chances of a closer and more successful cooperation between the artistic communities for the greatest benefit of the Romanian and Canadian public.


INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC COOPERATION ROMANIA-CANADA initiates a cultural diplomacy between the two countries, which will establish collaborations between the museums, in the cinema industry, during festivals and musical concerts and all other artistic manifestations where the Romanian and Canadian creators and actors might take part.


Many Romanian and Canadian artists have outstanding performances on national and international scenes. Sometimes, having a double national identity influenced their creativity.

INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC COOPERATION ROMANIA-CANADA salutes the artists’ engagement to promote their arts and play the role of cultural ambassadors of their countries.




Students from Canada and Romania would like the have the opportunity to achieve new academic experiences, to participate in various specific internships and to involve themselves in highly acclaimed learning projects. The Canadian universities and all other higher-education institutions are pro-active in recruiting international students. Furthermore, the scientific research is fundamental for discoveries that later might become the driving force for lucrative economic activities.

INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC COOPERATION ROMANIA-CANADA aims to build bridges between Romanian and Canadian universities in order intensify the scientific collaboration and students and professors exchange.